Airdrop Unite ICO & Airdrop

PREMIUM INVESTOR bonus 200% tokensale has been extended ‼️



?Purchasing via website ( NO KYC ) 

now we accept payments via ETH , DOGE , NEO  (no KYC) :

1. premium investor bonus 200% ( be extended )

10 NEO = 300,000 UTD

0,9 ETH  = 300,000 UTD

50.000 DOGE  = 300,000 UTD

2. first sale bonus 100%

NEO = 20,000 UTD

0.09 ETH = 20,000 UTD

5000 DOGE = 20,000 UTD

3. token will be distributed 24-72 hours after purchasing

4. official price ( not including bonus ) : 

1 UTD = 0,0001 NEO

1 UTD = 0,000009 ETH

1 UTD = 0,5 DOGE

? Purchasing via LATOKEN ( KYC ) :

1. bonus 100% 

2. paiETH 

3. no minimum buying 

4. KYC tier 2 is required 

5. token will be distributed to your LATOKEN account after end of tokensale 

6. LATOKEN  price is 1 UTD = 0,000009 ETH 

( not including bonus )

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